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The Magic Number!

The conversation with clients about retirement income planning is much different from those conversations that occur over the years while they are building retirement assets using vehicles such as pensions, RRSPs, LIRA's, TFSAs and so on. Often, their focus is on being “conservative” because their understanding from public sources suggest that this is the appropriate approach to managing their money during retirement.

Grandma and Grandpa Santa

Is it Christmas again already? Time passes too fast when you achieve grandparent status, and George and Grace are wondering once again what to give their grandchildren. Some years ago they realized they had no idea what toys were suitable, so started giving them cash. It seemed to get frittered away on things that soon became boring or obsolete.

Honored and Humbled

Carruthers Financial has been working with clients for over 30 years, helping them with their financial responsibilities through life's many stages. We have helped client start businesses, protect their families, change careers, and enjoyed being a part of their lives.

As a nominee and now finalist for the Aurora Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award, we want to say thank you to all those that we have had the opportunity to work with.


Carruthers Walker Financial


Mutual funds are offered through Investia Financial Services Inc. The particulars contained herein were obtained from sources which we believe reliable but are not guaranteed by us and may be incomplete. The opinions expressed have not been approved by and are not those of Investia Financial Services Inc. This website is not deemed to be used as a solicitation in a jurisdiction where this Investia representative is not registered.

Carruthers Walker Financial - RIA Certified
Carruthers Walker Financial - Best Business of 2024, ThreeBest Rated®
Carruthers Walker Financial - Newmarket Chamber of Commerce 2023 Member
Carruthers Walker Financial - Aurora Chamber of Commerce